Bridging the skills employers need with how teachers teach
Bridging the skills employers need with how teachers teach
Students lack essential employability skills
“In 2022, among traditional degree graduates, only 41% believe a college degree signals that they have or will have the skills needed by their employers.” - Cengage Group Employability Survey
Industry understands what skills are needed
We work with our industry partners and workforce intermediaries to identify and understand the skills students will need to be successful, present them in a way that works for classrooms, and report on progress to support district requirements.
Our Partners Include:
Engaging and authentic employability content
Engaging and authentic employability content
- Interactive FlexLessons
- Employability Skills Videos
- Courses and Micro-credentials
- Comprehensive Opportunity Board
Interactive FlexLessons
Customizable lessons designed to meet your employability skills requirements, focusing on skills identified by companies as crucial for future employees in any industry.
Interactive FlexLessons
Customizable lessons designed to meet your employability skills requirements, focusing on skills identified by companies as crucial for future employees in any industry.
Flexible reporting on your state or district employability skills initiatives
Easily monitor progress towards requirements
- Report by student, by site, by grade, or district-wide
- Monitor progress on specific lessons required in your state or district
- Consolidate reporting with your CCE and WBL initiatives
Easily monitor progress towards requirements
- Report by student, by site, by grade, or district-wide
- Monitor progress on specific lessons required in your state or district
- Consolidate reporting with your CCE and WBL initiatives
Build essential skills identified by employers as crucial for in-job success
Research shows that 3 things young workers feel unprepared for are:
- Resolving conflicts
- Working in a team
- Working with older people
Students engage with content emphasizing essential interpersonal skills, crucial not only for initial job acquisition but also for maintaining employment.This preparation equips students to be highly competitive and adaptable in the continually evolving workplace.
Research shows that 3 things young workers feel unprepared for are:
- Resolving conflicts
- Working in a team
- Working with older people
Students engage with content emphasizing essential interpersonal skills, crucial not only for initial job acquisition but also for maintaining employment.This preparation equips students to be highly competitive and adaptable in the continually evolving workplace.
Ready to equip your students with essential employability skills determined by industry?