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How Pathful Supports Pre-ETS with Comprehensive and Accessible Solutions

July 10, 2024

Blog Post

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are designed to make transitioning from school to work for individuals with disabilities smoother and more successful.

Pathful excels in providing comprehensive and accessible solutions under the five core pillars of Pre-ETS: Job Exploration Counseling, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Counseling on Postsecondary Education Opportunities, Workplace Readiness Training, and Instruction in Self-Advocacy. Let's explore how Pathful supports each of these critical areas while emphasizing its strong commitment to accessibility.

Job Exploration Counseling

Discovering Career Paths:

Pathful offers a range of tools that help users explore various career paths and understand job requirements. Interactive assessments and virtual job shadowing experiences provide a realistic view of different professions, allowing users to discover their strengths and interests and how those might be used in a future career.

Tailored Guidance:

Pathful's personalized learning is designed to align with users' career goals. This tailored approach ensures that they receive the most relevant information and resources for their chosen fields, helping them make informed decisions about their future careers.

Check out Career Profiles!

Work-Based Learning Experiences

Hands-On Learning:

Pathful facilitates work-based learning experiences by connecting users with internships and job placements. Furthermore, through its network of over 60,000 industry professionals, Pathful is able to help connect users to industry pros, providing them real work based-learning experiences and industry connections. These opportunities allow students to gain practical, hands-on experience in real-world settings, bridging the gap between program knowledge and the workplace.

Supportive Environments:

Through partnerships with employers committed to hiring individuals with disabilities, Pathful ensures that students are placed in supportive environments where they can thrive. These experiences not only build skills but also boost confidence and independence.

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Counseling on Postsecondary Education Opportunities

Exploring Educational Paths:

Pathful provides information on a variety of postsecondary education options, from vocational training programs to college degrees. Users can explore different options that align with their career aspirations and understand the requirements and benefits of each option.

Application Assistance:

Navigating the application process for postsecondary education can be daunting. Pathful offers resources and support to help individuals with applications, financial aid, and scholarship opportunities, ensuring they have the best possible chance of success.

Check out School Profiles or Scholarship Search!

Workplace Readiness Training

Essential Job Skills:

Pathful offers workplace readiness training that covers essential job skills such as resume writing, interview techniques, and professional communication. These lessons are designed to be engaging and practical, preparing individuals for the demands of the workplace. Pathful also offers live employability and workplace readiness training as part of its Pathful Presents series.

Soft Skills Development:

In addition to workplace skills, Pathful emphasizes the importance of soft skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Developing these skills is crucial for individuals to succeed in any work environment and Pathful provides both lessons and videos to help them develop these essential skills.

Check out Employability Lessons!

Instruction in Self-Advocacy

Empowering Students and Building Confidence:

Self-advocacy is a vital skill for users with disabilities. Pathful helps users build confidence and provides instruction in self-advocacy, teaching users how to effectively communicate their needs, set goals, and make decisions about their education and career.

Building Confidence:

Through mentorship programs and peer support networks, Pathful helps users build confidence in their abilities. Learning to advocate for themselves empowers users to take control of their future and achieve their goals.

Check out Employability Videos!

Pathful’s Accessibility Features

Commitment to Inclusivity:

Pathful is dedicated to ensuring that its platform is accessible to all users. The platform offers a wide range of accessibility features, including text-to-speech options, language translation, closed captions for video content, and screen reader compatibility. These features make it easier for individuals with visual, auditory, or cognitive impairments to engage fully with the content.

User-Friendly Design:

Pathful’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, with customizable settings such as adjustable font sizes and color contrasts. These options allow users to tailor their learning experience to suit their individual needs, ensuring that everyone can access and benefit from Pathful’s resources.

Ongoing Enhancements:

Pathful is committed to continuous improvement and regularly updates its accessibility features based on user feedback and technological advancements. This dedication to enhancement ensures that Pathful remains at the forefront of accessibility in Pre-ETS programs.

Check out our Accessibility Features!

Pathful’s Continued Commitment to Pre-ETS Programs

Pathful is committed to Pre-Employment Transition Services by providing comprehensive and accessible support under the five core pillars: Job Exploration Counseling, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Counseling on Postsecondary Education Opportunities, Workplace Readiness Training, and Instruction in Self-Advocacy. By prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity, Pathful ensures that all students, regardless of their abilities, can successfully transition from school to work and build fulfilling careers. With Pathful, users have the tools and support they need to achieve their career aspirations, making their journey to employment as smooth and successful as possible.

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Sam Spiegel

Sam Spiegel is a Product Marketing Associate for Pathful and a BCLAD-certified educator with a Master’s in Education from the University of California, Santa Cruz. As a former elementary school teacher, Sam is now a dedicated and results-oriented EdTech specialist, enjoying the intersection of his passion for education and technology.

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