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Breaking Down Pathful’s Available Assessments

In today's dynamic job market, understanding your strengths, interests, and abilities is more important than ever. Whether you're a student planning your future, a job seeker exploring new opportunities, or a professional considering a career change, Pathful offers a suite of assessments designed to guide you toward a fulfilling career path. From identifying your core work values with the Work Values assessment to matching your interests with potential careers using the Personality assessment, Pathful provides the tools you need to make informed decisions about your professional journey. Dive into our comprehensive assessment offerings and take the first step toward unlocking your true potential.

There are 5 assessments you can complete in Pathful:

  • Interest
  • Interest Lite
  • Work Values
  • Personality
  • Skills

Interest (Career Cluster Interest Survey)

The Interest assessment is designed to help you identify your career interests and match them with potential career paths. By answering questions about your preferences for different activities and work settings, the Interest assessment reveals the career clusters that best align with your interests. Career clusters are groups of related occupations and industries, such as Health Science, Information Technology, and Arts, A/V Technology & Communications. This tool provides a personalized profile of your interests, guiding you toward career paths that you are most likely to find rewarding and engaging.

  • This survey is the Career Clusters Interest Survey (CCIS), an interest inventory that matches your interests to career clusters based on the activities you enjoy most.
  • It has 102 statements and takes about 15-30 minutes to complete. It is not a timed test, and there are no right or wrong answers.
  • The results will guide you to careers in specific career clusters that you are likely to enjoy based on the answers you provided.

Example Results:

Interest Lite (CCIS-EZ)

The Interest Lite assessment is very similar to the Interest assessment, but with fewer questions and simpler language. The Interest Lite is designed to be used as a modified version of the Interest assessment.

  • This survey is the Career Clusters Interest Survey EZ (CCIS-EZ), an abbreviated version of the CCIS.
  • This assessment also matches your interests to career clusters.
  • It has 85 statements and takes about 15-30 minutes to complete. It is not a timed test, and there are no right or wrong answers.
  • The results will guide you to careers in specific career clusters that you are likely to enjoy based on the answers you provided.

Example Results:

Work Values (O*Net Work Importance Locator )

The Work Values assessment helps you identify what you value most in a job. By completing a series of questions about your preferences and priorities, the Work Values assessment generates a profile that highlights your top work values, such as achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions. With this personalized profile, you can explore occupations that align with your core values, ensuring that your career choices are not only satisfying but also meaningful.

  • There are 20 questions and no right or wrong answers.
  • It takes about 20 minutes to complete.
  • You will rank different aspects of work that represent six work values:  Achievement, Independence, Recognition, Relationships, Support, Working Conditions
  • The O*NET Work Importance Locator helps individuals identify jobs that match their personal values and work preferences. By completing the WIL, users can discover what they find most important in a job and use this information to find occupations that align with their values

Example Results:

Personality (O*Net Interest Profiler)

The Personality assessment is an invaluable tool for discovering careers that align with your personal interests. Using John Holland's RIASEC model, the Interest Profiler categorizes your interests into six broad areas: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. After completing the assessment, you'll receive a profile that highlights your strongest interest areas. The Interest Profiler then matches your profile with various occupations in the career database, providing detailed information about job duties, required skills, education requirements, and potential salaries. This tool empowers you to make informed career decisions based on what you truly enjoy.

  • This survey, the O*Net Interest Profiler (O*Net IP), helps you identify your interests and how they relate to the world of work.
  • There are 60 questions and no right or wrong answers.
  • It takes about 10-30 minutes to complete.
  • You will rank different aspects of work that represent six work values:  Achievement, Independence, Recognition, Relationships, Support, Working Conditions
  • The O*Net Interest Profiler that helps individuals identify their interests and match them with potential careers.

The Interest Profiler uses John Holland's RIASEC model, which categorizes interests into six broad areas:

  • Realistic (R): Interests involving practical, hands-on problems and solutions.
  • Investigative (I): Interests involving working with ideas and thinking analytically.
  • Artistic (A): Interests involving creativity, self-expression, and artistic endeavors.
  • Social (S): Interests involving working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
  • Enterprising (E): Interests involving starting up and carrying out projects, often leading people and making decisions.
  • Conventional (C): Interests involving following set procedures and routines, working with data and details.

Example Results:

Skills (O*Net Ability Profiler)

The Skills assessment assesses a range of cognitive, perceptual, and psychomotor abilities (not available online) to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. The assessment includes tasks that measure verbal ability, arithmetic reasoning, spatial ability, and more. After completing the profiler, you'll receive a detailed profile of your abilities, which can be matched with occupations that require similar skills. This tool not only helps you identify jobs that align with your abilities but also highlights areas where you may need further development, guiding you toward additional training or education to achieve your career goals.

  • This survey, the O*Net Ability Profiler, is a series of tests designed to match your abilities with potential careers.
  • The results provide useful information that helps you identify your strengths. The results also help you identify training needs and occupations you may wish to explore further.
  • You must be 16 years old to complete this test accurately. It is recommended that you not take this test more than once every 6 months. However, you can take the O*Net Ability Profiler more frequently.
  • The total time needed to complete the test is 53 minutes. The test can not be paused within a section, but each section of the test can be completed separately within its own time limit.
  • The O*NET Ability Profiler is an assessment tool designed to help individuals understand their abilities and how these relate to various occupations. This tests students' abilities, instead of their interests.
  • There are 6 sections available and each has its own time limit:

Example Results:

Quick overview of Assessments

This chart gives a brief overview of all the assessments currently offered on Pathful:

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Sam Spiegel

Sam Spiegel is a Product Marketing Associate for Pathful and a BCLAD-certified educator with a Master’s in Education from the University of California, Santa Cruz. As a former elementary school teacher, Sam is now a dedicated and results-oriented EdTech specialist, enjoying the intersection of his passion for education and technology.

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