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Career Clusters
Gear Up Implementation
Help students identify their path with assessments, plan for the future with goal-setting and postsecondary planning tools, and prepare with employability skills videos and FlexLessons. Simplify grant reporting with diverse reporting features and deepen understanding with live or on-demand sessions.
Use Case
5 minutes
Student Activities: Seasonal
Discover fun, seasonal activities designed to engage students and enhance learning through Pathful, helping educators bring real-world experiences into the classroom year-round.
Blog Post
10 min
Tips for Using Pathful's WBL Module
This post provides an overview of how to use Pathful's Work-Based Learning (WBL) Module to connect students with industry professionals through activities like career guest speaker sessions, mock interviews, resume reviews, and career preparation. It includes tips for organizing effective sessions and engaging students before, during, and after the event.
Blog Post
10 min
School Letters for K-12 Districts
These introductory letters can be sent home to inform families about the College and Career Exploration (CCE) and Work-Based Learning (WBL) modules provided through Pathful. The letters will explain how these programs help students explore future careers and gain real-world experience, offering parents an overview of how Pathful supports their child's academic and professional growth.
Blog Post
5 min
Harnessing Pathful's Goal-Setting Tools to Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Success
In today's fast-paced landscape, helping students set clear and achievable goals is essential for their academic and career success. Pathful offers a goal-setting tool that guides students in setting both short-term and long-term goals, ensuring they align with the S.M.A.R.T. criteria—goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Blog Post
10 min
Pathful Planning Guides
These planning guides assist educators in aligning content across grade levels, ensuring a cohesive and progressive learning experience. They provide a structured framework that helps educators map out key concepts and skills, promoting consistency and continuity in students' educational journeys.
Blog Post
15 min
Student Activities: WBL Session
These activities can be used to supplement work-based learning using Pathful.
Blog Post
5 min
Student Activities: Career Exploration
These activities can be used to supplement career exploration using Pathful.
Blog Post
5 min
Workforce Development Implementation
How to effectively use Pathful's tools and resources to support clients in workforce development.
Blog Post
5 min
Vocational Rehabilitation Implementation
How to effectively use Pathful's tools and resources to support clients in vocational rehabilitation.
Blog Post
5 min
Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services Implementation
How to effectively use Pathful's tools and resources to support students in their transition from school to post-secondary education or employment.
Blog Post
5 min
What Content is New at Pathful?
At Pathful, we are continuously adding to and enhancing our content to ensure it remains relevant and valuable, reflecting the ever-evolving needs of our users.
Blog Post
5 min
Crossover Guide (Explore and Connect to Pathful)
This crossover guide was created to assist Pathful users in smoothly transitioning to the new platform.
Blog Post
2 minutes
What's the Difference Between All These Assessments?
Pathful offers various assessments—learn more about each one here.
Blog Post
5 minutes
What Features Are New With Pathful (formerly Explore & Connect)
Discover the Latest Features of Pathful’s New Platform
Blog Post
5 minutes
What Features Are New With College and Career Exploration (formerly Explore)
Helping students find their path beyond school is an ever-evolving responsibility for schools and districts.
Blog Post
5 minutes
What Features Are New With Work-Based Learning (formerly Connect)
Work-based learning is now recognized as a crucial component of a student’s educational journey.
Blog Post
5 minutes
Pathful Accessibility Features
Learn more about how Pathful supports all learners.
Blog Post
5 minutes
District Administration Implementation
Discover student career goals with 5 types of assessments, supplement curriculum with diverse videos, and align with state readiness standards. Utilize data-driven reports for deep insights, and enhance presentations with experts on SEL, mental health, and DEI topics.
Use Case
5 minutes
How Pathful Supports Pre-ETS with Comprehensive and Accessible Solutions
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are designed to make transitioning from school to work for individuals with disabilities smoother and more successful.
Blog Post
10 minutes
Provide Authentic Simulated Work Experiences with Pathful’s Industry-Led Projects
Educators are looking to increase availability of work-based learning (WBL) experiences, including providing them beyond their CTE department.
Blog Post
5 minutes
Project Evaluation and Mentoring
Use Pathful with your students to get authentic, engaging, live, feedback on their work.
How to Guide
5 minutes
Host Professional Development Sessions
Enhance your teaching with the help of industry pros.
How to Guide
5 minutes
Host a Virtual Career Day
Scale your district- or school-wide career events with Pathful’s live, virtual WBL sessions.
How to Guide
5 minutes
Core Subject Areas Implementation
Create deeper student investment with career goals from interest and skills assessments. Provide essential skills with employability and SEL lessons, connect learning to future careers, and bring real-world relevance with live virtual expert sessions. Gain insights into student interests with comprehensive reporting.
Use Case
5 minutes
Jefferson County Public Schools
Empowering Career Readiness: How the Largest School District in Kentucky Tracks and Meets State Graduation Standards for every Middle and High School Student District-Wide.
Case Study
5 minutes
Counseling Department Implementation
Evaluate student interests and strengths with assessments, explore career pathways, and prepare for the future with employability skills videos and FlexLessons. Align course plans with the customizable Planner tool, and enhance presentations with experts on SEL, mental health, and DEI topics.
Use Case
5 minutes
Work-Based Learning Department Implementation
Scale WBL with live, virtual industry sessions, leverage our WBL programming, and prepare students with employability skills videos and FlexLessons. Offer authentic simulated work experiences, provide virtual practice opportunities, and track and report WBL experiences and hours efficiently.
Use Case
5 minutes
Special Education Implementation
Empowering special education students on the path to Workforce Readiness with UserWay Accessibility Tools that improves adaptability and accessibility by offering instant accommodations for various profiles.
Use Case
5 minutes
TRIO Program Implementation
Help students identify their path with assessments, plan for the future with goal-setting and postsecondary planning tools, and prepare with employability skills videos and FlexLessons. Simplify grant reporting with diverse reporting features and deepen understanding with live or on-demand sessions.
Use Case
5 minutes
CTE Department Implementation
Empower your CTE department and facilitators to guide students in choosing career pathways, enhance work-based learning through virtual industry connections, and efficiently track progress with robust reporting tools.
Use Case
5 minutes
Postsecondary and Adult Education Implementation
Uncover passions with interest and skills assessments, enhance soft skills with the Employability Skills Library, and take lessons on FAFSA, planning, and time management. Arrange live sessions with industry pros, and easily search for scholarships and tackle resumes with built-in tools.
Use Case
5 minutes
Riverside Unified School District
California School District Exceeds State's 10-Year CTE Continuum Mandate, Scales Implementation Across 42K Students at 59 Schools.
Case Study
5 minutes
MSD Lawrence Township
Scaling Dual-Language Work-Based Learning: How a Large Suburban School District Provides Relevant, Industry-Led Programming to 16K Students With Minimal Operational Strain.
Case Study
5 minutes
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
Expanding Workforce Development: A State Agency's Success in Providing Career Evaluation, Education, and Training for All Residents.
Case Study
5 minutes
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Transforming CTE Education: Leading Georgia School District Enhances Career Readiness, Empowering Teachers and Redefining Student Futures.
Case Study
5 minutes
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System
Tennessee School District Implements Custom Curriculum that Supports State Standards.
Case Study
5 minutes